Losing is the ground level of success

In life, people may either win or lose in the game that no one can ever cheat. Winning is goooooooood, so goood to the point that we dont want the world to rotate and just hold on to that time of our life. However, losing is the negative part as much as winning is so... Continue Reading →

People need chairs.

People are people. They experience different kinds of feelings from low to extremes. They cry, they sit in the corner, they stare in the blank space, they laugh, they sleep, they dont sleep and many things that people do in different situation per se. above all these feelings, what people needs is support-- like a... Continue Reading →

Hope as you dream.

Dreamland is a place for dreams-- that dreams you had when you attained that "goodnight-sleep" but dreams is not just located in the dreamland bru. Moreover, dreams is in mind and pursuing it is in the heart, and in order to pursue dreams, you need hope. You will need a never-ending hope, because hope fuels-up... Continue Reading →

Red can never be blue.

Life is booming colors Life is red, blue and a lot more different kinds of colors b u t , one will never be the other. My point is... You can never be something that you are not. You are your own color dear; you can improve it but you can never change it. You... Continue Reading →

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